The revolutionary 1984 2WD off-road buggy is back and more fun than ever before! The Hornet stands as one of Tamiyas most popular R/C cars ever released, helping launch a 2WD R/C buggy boom worldwide. Featuring excellent performance on both dirt and on-road tracks, this awesome buggy can take on any type of terrain. Just like the original, this re-release features an easy to assemble chassis and drivetrain. The Hornet is perfect for those that used to have one, those that have always wanted one, and for those that want a revolutionary buggy that has earned its place in R/C history.
Overall length: 400mm Overall width: 230mm Overall height: 150mm Weight: 874g Solid bathtub frame with side bumpers Independent swing axle front suspension with friction dampers Rolling rigid axle rear suspension with oil filled dampers Sealed rear gearbox Original 3-piece assembly wheels Straight ribbed racing front tires Spiked buggy rear tires Clear Polycarbonate body shell Reinforced resin bumper Electronic Speed Controller High performance Type 540 motor Required Items: 2-channel radio, steering servo, 7.2volt battery pack with compatible charger, and Tamiya PS paint.